SC to CT Day 16
New York, NY to Stamford, CT

We departed late this morning so we would have a favorable current through the East River and Hell Gate and Long Island Sound... departure time 1115.
Currents are odd here... leaving from behind the Statue of Liberty to The Battery at the mouth of the East River we had current on our bow slowing us to less that 6 knots... We entered the mouth of the East River at slack current and had no boost from current... but by the time we reached Hell Gate current had increased and was pushing us 10 knots... but only lasted for a mile or two and soon we slowed to 7.5 knots... still getting a boost but nothing significant. We carried this current out into Long Island Sound and did not loose it until we were off Port Chester / Greenwich area... ran 6 knots the rest of the way to Stamford.

We arrived to our home dock at Seaview House Marina in Stamford, CT at approximately 1615 and were securely docked at 1630. Our location for the summer at
N41°02.391’, W073°31.318’. We traveled today for 5 hours and 15 minutes covering 35.4 nautical miles averaging 6.7 knots.
This was the final leg of our trip north... since leaving South Carolina we traveled 742 nautical miles over a 16 day period. We had four layover days for weather and mechanical issues. Over the 12 days we were cruising we averaged 62 nautical miles per day with an average speed of 6.5 knots.

SC to CT Day 15
Atlantic City, NJ to New York, NY

Woke at around 0600 and checked weather forecast... plans were to go from Atlantic City to Manasquan, NJ inside via the NJICW... weather forecast showed some decrease in the winds and seas from yesterday... we decided to run outside in the Atlantic.
We left the dock at 0700 and headed out the Absecon Inlet... it was still a bit rough... especially the inlet but we had opposing wind and current stirring things up a bit... once we turned north headed up the coast it settled down... 3 to 4 ft swell directly on the stern... was a pleasant ride... still rolling and pitching as yesterday but nearly as much.
Running inside we would have ran 9 hours and made it to Manasquan around 1600... outside we passed Manasquan Inlet at 1400 so much faster running outside and the waves did settle down. Only thing missing was a current boost.
We considered going all the way to Stamford today but checking currents in New York at the time we would arrive were not in our favor... we have hit Hell Gate at full Ebb current nearly 5 knots against us.... NOT! We decided to anchoring New York City and anchor behind the Statue Of Liberty off Liberty State Park and go through the East River and Hell Gate with a favorable current tomorrow.

We arrived to Liberty State Park at approximately 2015 and were securely anchored at 2030. Our location for the night at
N40°41.757’, W074°03.841’. We traveled today for 13 hours and 30 minutes covering 89.2 nautical miles averaging 6.6 knots.

SC to CT Day 14
Chesapeake City, MD to Atlantic City, NJ

We left Chesapeake City this morning at 0500... winds and seas permitting destination Atlantic City, NJ. Early departure to get as much favorable current down Delaware Bay to Cape may, NJ.
As expected we had current against us going out the C&D Canal running between 5 and 6 knots... hit the end of the canal and turned into the Delaware River and current started pushing us 9 knots plus... carried this boost for maybe an hour and it slowly started slowing down as we approached Cape May... eventually slowing back to 6 knots. Once we enter the Cape May Canal we got our boost back running 7.5 to 7.8 knots all the way through the canal and out the Cape May Inlet to the Atlantic Ocean.
The seas had been fairly calm all day... we hit the Atlantic and the wave switch turned on... 4 to 6 foot swells with a short period out of the SSW... producing a lot of pitching and rolling... not an uncomfortable ride but every now and then that rogue wave hit us and you had to hang on....
Good thing was we continued to carry our boost from current running 7.5 to 8 knots all the way to Atlantic City.
We arrived at approximately 1930 and docked at Gardner Basin Marina. Our location for the night at N39°22.569’, W074°25.279’. We traveled today for 14 hours and 30 minutes covering 99.7 nautical miles averaging 6.9 knots.