CT to NC Day 11
Layover Hampton, VA

Weather has cleared up and it's actually bright and sunny today... no wind... would be a great day to leave... however, we are having such a great visit with Wayne and Judy McPhail that we are staying a couple of more days... planned departure on Tuesday.
Posted at 9:08 AM
CT to NC Day 10
Layover Hampton, VA
Weather forecast is horrible for the next few days... looks like Monday or Tuesday before it clears up so we will be staying put till it clears up.
Posted at 3:54 PM
CT to NC Day 9
Heathsville, VA to Hampton, VA

We left Ingram Bay Marina at 0700 and were back in the Chesapeake Bay in no time alt all.. the one good thing about the marina... it is close to the Bay.
Weather was forecast for 2ft seas... of course it was about twice that once we got well out in the Bay... was supposed to be NW and was NE winds so we had a funky following sea that gives us that waddling ride... Susan hates it... it's better than a head sea where it's banging against you for sure.
Had one sailboat leave the Reedville area at the same time and they were with us for most of the day... We were moving just a bit faster than they were and soon they dropped behind us and out of sight.
Good thing was we had a nice boost of speed from the current... running over 8 knots a few times. Never seems to last though... especially on the Chesapeake Bay... We lost all our boost as we crossed the mouth of the York River. The wind had subsided some but was still solid 2-3 foots waves.
We arrived at our destination for the night Wayne and Judy McPhail's house located on the Salt Pond, Hampton, VA at approximately 1345 and were securely docked at 1400
37°03.547'N 076°17.047'W. We traveled today for 7 hours covering 49.0 nautical miles averaging 7.0 knots.

Posted at 3:47 PM