FL to CT Day 9
St. Augustine, FL to Jekyll Island, GA

We left the St. Augustine mooring field juts before sunrise at 0700... approaching the St. Augustine Inlet the sky was awesome... took a photo but it got even better after this photo.
The forecast was for ESE winds 10-15 knots and partly sunny... this was fairly accurate today. The winds were nothing that had much effect on us in the ICW... a bit cooler today with it being partly sunny.
Some boat traffic... Saturday brings out a lot of smaller boats and fishermen... there were also a few larger boats moving north.
We were planning on anchoring at Cumberland Island but as we passed the anchorage we had planned for we decided to continue on and get across St. Andrews Sound while the winds were acceptable... they were not forecast to be bad on Sunday but you never know and today was good.
We crossed St. Andrews Sound and even with the lower ESE winds we had a little rock and roll going on as we crossed... 2-4 foots waves. We have seen it much worse so this was great!

We arrived to our destination for the day at 1815... and were securely anchored just off of Jekyll Harbor Marina at
N31°02.605', W081°25.542'. We traveled today for 11 hours and 30 minutes covering 80.4 nautical miles averaging 7.0 knots.
Tomorrow we will go to Brunswick Landing Marina and fuel up SAILS.

Posted at 5:52 PM
FL to CT - Day 8
New Smyrna Beach, FL to St. Augustine, FL

We had the pleasure of joining Peter and Charlotte Behr at their home for dinner last night... one of the things we love about cruising... getting to spend a little time with dear friends... Peter and Charlotte are the BEST!

I had a little cabinet work to catch up on this morning so Susan nd Lily slept in and I was up a 0630 and working... finished up at around 0800... we were clear of the dock and underway at 0830.
Forecast was for East winds 15-20 knots... NOAA was wrong and this time in a good way... winds were barely 10 knots all day and it was bright and sunny as well... great day of cruising... also very little boat traffic... a few boats... one in particular that we first met up with about a week ago... "Anchor Down" hailing port Texas... forget the city... we have been seeing them most every day... normally they pass us... today they stopped in the Palm Coast area... they appear to be doing the loop.

We arrived to our destination for the day at 1715...St. Augustine Municipal Marina. We took a mooring ball. Our location for the night
N29°53.327', W081°18.439'. We traveled today for 8 hours and 45 minutes covering 59.4 nautical miles averaging 6.8 knots.

Posted at 6:31 PM
FL to CT - Day 7
Cocoa, FL to New Smyrna Beach, FL

We left Cocoa docks this morning at 0745 and this morning we did not have a pretty sunrise... we had what turned out to be the worst day of our trip so far. Rain, lightning and wind... a few photos from when we were leaving Cocoa.
The worst place was just before the NASA Causeway Bridge... the winds picked up to over 40 knots and the rain reduced visibility to 100 feet. I had to turn SAILS into the wind and hold position till conditions improved enough to at least see the bridge.
The never really let up staying at 25 to 30 knots till about 1300 when they dropped to 15 to 20 knots.

Was glad to see the Haulover Canal bridge under construction and open... well one span was open... so I did not have to lower the mast and antennas in the high winds... they are tough to handle even in calm conditions.

We arrived New Smyrna Beach to find the free docks were totally open. NO boats to squeeze between today. We were securely docked at 1430 at
N29°01.473', W080°55.141'. We traveled today for 6 hours and 45 minutes covering 45.1 nautical miles averaging 6.7 knots.

Posted at 2:01 PM