SAILS 1990 45 Florida Bay Coaster
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Monday, 11 April 2016
FL to CT - Day 17
New Smyrna, FL to St. Augustine, FL
We departed from New Smyrna at 0810 and headed north on the ICW. Another windy day with 15-20 knots winds all day... light chop... the wind was cooler than it had been... at least it felt cooler this morning as we left the dock.

Nothing out of the ordinary today... about as many boats moving north as yesterday but being Monday far less local boats.. We did have the same pair of boats pass us again today... PUKALANI and STARY NIGHTS... they are traveling together and are on the VHF a LOT! All for legitimate reasons typically passing another boat... but after hearing them say the same thing over and over again with each boat they pass became rather annoying very quickly... hopefully, they made far enough today that we will not hear them again... :)

We arrived to our destination for the night in St. Augustine at approximately 1655 and picked up Mooring Ball 30 at the St. Augustine Municipal Marina. We traveled today for 8.75 hours covering 59.5 nautical miles averaging 6.8 knots.
Posted at 4:46 PM
Sunday, 10 April 2016
FL to CT - Day 16
Eau Gallie, FL to New Smyrna, FL
After a great night on anchor we were underway at 0800 bound for New Smyrna for night.

Windy again today but not as bad as yesterday...15 to 20 knots most of the day causing a light chop on the waterway. There were quite a few more boats moving north today.... both sail and power... which is nice to see.

No bridges to deal with today... we went under several but none that required an opening for us to pass.

We did see a sailboat run into a day mark... we were just overtaking him and he bounced right off the piling... made a very loud crunching sound... did not seem to bother the owner much... he did walk up and look down at the side that hit the piling but quickly returned to the cockpit as we passed him... he never looked at us... think he might of been embarrassed that we saw him hit...:)

We arrived to our destination for the night in New Smyrna at approximately 1630 and docked at the city floating docks...N29°01.532’, W080°55.152’. We traveled today for 8.5 hours covering 58.7 nautical miles averaging 6.9 knots.

After docking we were joined by Charlotte and Peter Behr who live in New Smyrna. We had a couple of cocktails aboard SAILS and then went out to dinner at Cork Screw Bar and Grille. We had a great evening catching up with Peter and Charlotte. They are very dear friends and we try to stop and see them every as we travel north and south.

Posted at 4:27 PM
Saturday, 9 April 2016
FL to CT - Day 15
Fort Pierce, FL to Eau Gallie, FL
We spent the last week in Fort Pierce attending the MTOA Southern Rendezvous at the Fort Pierce City Marina. We had a great time and got see some old friends and make some new ones.

Susan wanted to go to the Farmer's Market that they have on Saturday here next to the marina so we got away later than I would of liked departing at 1000.

The marina has some wicked current flowing through and a few of the boats leav9ing have had some trouble getting out of their slips and down the fairways. We had one boat actually pin itself against the end of a t-dock and had to wait till slack tide to get off.

So, when we left this morning the current was ripping and the wind was also blowing around 20 knots same direction as the current. As we sat there engines running preparing to leave several people offered their opinions that it was not a good time to try and leave... we should wait for slack tide. I really did not see an issue but we had a crowd watching us we left the dock... and as I thought we had no issues... spun SAILS around 180 degrees and we were off down the fairway... in the areas where we had ac ross current we were crabbing down the channel at 20-30 degrees to keep us goi9ng straight.... NO ISSUES! :)

It was rather windy as I mentioned and we saw 20- 25 knots winds most of the day... had current against us and with us. The only issue we had all day was a sailboat nearly hit us head on.... NO ONE AT THE HELM... he was headed south passing us to port as we were headed north... just a 100 feet in front of us the sailboat veered into our path... gust of wind I guess... I blasted the horns and swung hard to starboard and we passed with about a foot of each other... I looked back as he popped up out of his cabin... not sure he even knew what had taken place... :(

We arrived to our destination for the night just north of Eau Gallie and anchored in the Indian River at N28°08.836’, W080°36.556’. We traveled today for 7.0 hours covering 46.04 nautical miles averaging 6.6 knots.
Posted at 4:52 PM
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