SC to CT Day 10
North Beach, MD to Chesapeake City, MD

We left Herrington Harbour Marina this morning at 0700 and headed north on the Chesapeake Bay... destination for the day... Chesapeake City Town Dock.
We had current assisting us till about 1100 and it slowly started turning against us... soon we were running 6 knots.... slow going....
Then to add to the day the port engine alarm went off... overheating... Quick shut down and off to the engine room to see if I could see anything outstanding that might be causing the problem.... nothing but a HOT engine... no visible leaks. We continued on one engine... 6 knots seems fast compared to the 4 knots we were making now.
After the engine cooled down enough to check the water level... I found that it was not low on coolant... I started the engine and appeared and sounded like there was no raw water flow coming out of the exhaust... so I assumed the raw water pump impeller failed. After we dock tonight I'll check it. Have spare impellers onboard.
We arrived to Chesapeake City at 1715 only to discover that the town dock was full... on to plan B dock at Chesapeake Inn Marina... It was packed no dock space that we could see... then we heard a go-fast boat start and they were tossing lines... they pulled out and we pulled in... We were docked at 1730. Our location for the night at N39°31.592’, W075°48.640’. We traveled today for 10 hours and 30 minutes covering 62.1 nautical miles averaging 5.9 knots.

Posted at 6:31 PM
SC to CT Day 9
Reedville, VA to North Beach, MD

We departed from Reedville this morning at 0615 with a beautiful skyline as the sun came up... best part of the day!
Forecast sunny skies and SE winds 10-15 knots seas 1.2 feet... we never know what to expect... sunshine or cloudy is normally correct... winds are fairly accurate most of the time... sea state is a dice roll...
Today we got two out of three... sunny and less winds than forecast but for some reason we still had some large wave action... 3 to 4 footers.... It did calm down around noon but was rough for several hours...
Most of the boat traffic we saw today was cargo ships.... 4 to be exact... 3 heading up the bay toward Baltimore and 1 heading south toward Norfolk. Saw some boats on AIS but were never close enough to see them other than with binoculars.
We arrived to our destination for the night... Herrington Harbour South at 1545 and docked at the fuel dock. First stop the fuel dock.. SAILS was hungry. we took on 732 gallons of diesel... 416.3 hours of use since last fuel up... equates to 1.76 gallons per hour fuel burn... 1,270 miles traveled... equates to 3 miles per gallon.
We were finished fueling at 1645. Since the marina was closing at 1700 they said we could stay on the fuel dock for the night rather than move to a slip... perfect! Our location for the night at N38°43.583’, W076°32.550’. We traveled today for 10 hours and 30 minutes covering 64.9 nautical miles averaging 6.2 knots.

Posted at 6:25 PM
SC to CT Day 8
Chesapeake, VA to Reedville, VA

We left Atlantic Yacht Basin at sunrise to catch the 0700 opening of the Great Bridge Bridge and directly into the Great Bridge Lock. We exited the lock at 0718... only boat to go through at 0700.

We got held up at the Railroad Bridge #7 right at the Gilmerton Bridge for 20 minutes... from there it was smooth sailing until just offshore from the Salt Ponds... USCG had broadcast over VHF about a capsized boat... several police boats flew past us coming out of Hampton Roads... we could see them searching the are ahead of us.... then right off our bow was the capsized boat they were searching for... I hailed the USCG on the VHF and give them the position of the capsized boat... they

asked that we stay on scene until they arrived... they were not far away so 15 minutes and we were back underway.
We arrived to our destination for the night... Fairport Marine at 1845 were securely docked at 1900. Our location for the night at
N37°49.951’, W076°17.133’. We traveled today for 12 hours covering 73.4 nautical miles averaging 6.1 knots.

Posted at 8:16 PM