FL to CT Day 26
Eastham Creek, NC to Belhaven, NC

After a very windy night and not a lot of sleeping the alarm went off at 0600... which was way too early after the night we had… winds howling at 20 knots plus till about 0300 when they settled to around 10-15 knots. Started pulling the anchor at 0630... the chain was very dirty... the links filled with a mud and sand mixture... mostly mud... so it was very slow retrieving the anchor as I washed the mud from the chain... anchor up and underway at 0700... destination today Dowry Creek Marina... Storm supposed to hit us tonight so we would be safe at a dock.
Very short day... but we had a lot of boat traffic... looking at AIS we had two boats ahead of us and six boats running behind us... and we had several pass us that did not have AIS... all boats appeared as cruiser or delivery crew heading north.

We arrived at Dowry Creek Marina at approximately 0945. We were secured with power at 1000… Our position for the night is
N35°31.962', W076°32.126'. We traveled today for 3.0 hours covering 19.7 nautical miles averaging 6.6 knots.

Posted at 11:06 AM
FL to CT Day 25
Swansboro, NC to Eastham Creek, NC

Posted at 5:13 PM
FL to CT Day 24
Carolina Beach, NC to Swansboro, NC
We left Carolina Beach Mooring Field at 0715 and headed back to the ICW… destination today Swansboro, NC.

Nothing out of the ordinary to report today… bright and sunny all day with a cool light wind all morning… afternoon the winds picked up gusting to 20 knots.
We arrived at Swansboro, NC Church St Docks at approximately 1600. We were secured to the dock with power connected at 1615… Our position for the night is
N34°41.155’, W077°07.162'. We traveled today for 8.75 hours covering 59.7 nautical miles averaging 6.6 knots.
Posted at 4:35 PM