CT to FL Day 5
Chesapeake City, MD to Annapolis, MD

We had a great visit with our dear friends Cathy and Jim Fisher while in Chesapeake City... we celebrated Susan's Birthday together at the Chesapeake Inn... an awesome afternoon.

Today was the day to search for a new fresh water pump... I was up well before sunrise and ready to go... no one opened until 0800...so I watched the sunrise and was it beautiful.
At 0800 I started making calls to the nearby Yanmar dealers... I called half a dozen and no one had a pump in stock... everyone had to order it from Mack Boring in NJ.
The dealer I talked to Annapolis said he could order and it would be to him the next day... the closer dealers all told me it would take 2 to 3 days to get the parts... we decided rather than wait we would go ahead and leave Chesapeake City and cruise to Annapolis on one engine... get a slip at the marina the dealer was located in.... parts arrive we would be ready to go.
We departed from Chesapeake City at 1100 and headed out the C & D Canal with a nice boost from the current... nut it was short lived and we were soon running less than 6 knots... 5.5 knots to be exact. This slower speed would have us arriving to Annapolis after dark so we decided to get close as we could and anchor and go into Annapolis early Tuesday morning.
We wanted to get a slip at the marina that Diversified is located but it was not the best place to stay... it is actually a boatyard and no amenities to speak of... if we are going to spend couple hundred dollars fro one night we want AMENITIES...
So, we made a reservation at the closet marina and ended up saving some money,,, less expensive and it had all the amenities... even a dog pool... pretty cool! We'll see tomorrow when we get there,
Tonight we anchored about a hour from the marina a little bay just south and west of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge... Whitehail Bay... pitch black when we arrived and I am amazed we did not hit a crab pot going in to it... they were everywhere and you did not see them until you were right on top of them... running on one engine there is not really a lot quick turning... pure luck that we missed them all...
We were securely anchored at 1815. Our location for night N38°59.001', W076°25.596'. We traveled today for 7.25 hours covering 48.3 nautical miles averaging 6.7 knots.

Posted at 7:44 PM
CT to FL Day 4
Layover Chesapeake City, MD
Layover day here is Chesapeake City... Susan's birthday and Cathy and Jim Fisher coming to visit and celebrate.
Tomorrow I will start the search for a new fresh water pump for the port engine.
Posted at 8:31 AM
CT to FL Day 3
Cape May, NJ to Chesapeake City, MD

Got to sleep in this morning, alarm set for 0700 with a planned departure time of 0900. Never heard the alarm go off since I was awake and up at 0500... internal alarm... wish I could shut that off...
Late departure to have a favorable current Up Delaware Bay and across the C & D Canal to Chesapeake City. Leaving Cape My 2 hours after low tide lets you ride the flood tide out the Cape May Canal and up the Delaware Bay where you hit the C & D Canal and run with an Ebb tide to Chesapeake City.
I do an engine room check every 2 hours while we are cruising to be sure all is well... first engine check I discovered a coolant leak on the port engine... the fresh water pump seal had started leaking and was spraying a fine mist of coolant off the belt pulley on the pump... I shut the engine down and we had to continue the remainder of the day on one engine... good thing we had a great push form the current... even with one engine down we made the trip averaging over 7 knots for the day... few times we were running over 8 knots on one engine.
Made some phone calls to Yanmar dealers around Chesapeake City... of those that were open, none had the pump in stock... so we will have to wait until Monday to find a new pump.... hopefully, the dealers that were closed today will have a pump in stock.
We arrived at our destination at approximately 1730... there were two boats on the town dock with what looked like 60 feet between them... it was time to thread the needle... SAILS at 45 feet... that left plenty of room with 7 to 8 feet fore and aft... Did have to start the port engine to dock... was not going to try squeezing between the two boats one engine...
We were secure docked with shore power connected at 1815. Our location for night N39°31.627', W075°48.667'. We traveled today for 8.75 hours covering 62 nautical miles averaging 7.1 knots.

Posted at 6:30 PM